Personal Wiki


CLI Tools


  • Add user to a group

    usermod -aG group_name username


    usermod --append --groups agroup_name username

    Here: '-aG' stands for '--append' and '--groups'.

  • Add user to multiple goups at once.

    usermod -aG admins,wheel,sudo vyogami

    Here: 'admins', 'wheel', 'sudo' are the name of the group and 'vyogami' is the name of the user. '-aG' stands for '--append' and '--groups'.

  • change username

    usermod -l new_username old_username

    Here: '-l' stands for '--login'.

  • change user shell

    usermod -s path/to/shell username

    Here: '-s' stands for '--shell'.

  • change user home directory

    sudo usermod --move-home --home path/to/new_home username


    sudo usermod -m -d path/to/new_home username

    Here: '-l' stands for '--login'.

  • change user shell

    usermod -s path/to/shell username

    Here: '-s' stands for '--shell'.

  • Lock user's password

    usermod -L username

    Here: '-L' stands for '--lock'.

  • Unlock user's password

    usermod -U username

    Here: '-L' stands for '--unlock'.

  • Add expire date to user account

    usermod -e 2024-08-21 username

    Here: '-e' stands for '--expiredate'.


  • Display information about CPU architecture

  • Display the CPU information in human readable format.

    lscpu -e

    Here: '-e' stands for '--extended'.


Check battery health

upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0

Changing Default Editor in shell

To set Neovim as default editor, add the following line to the shell's startup file(.bashrc, .zshrc,

  • For zsh and bash

    export EDITOR=nvim
  • For fish (~/.config/fish/

    set -Ux EDITOR nvim

Special Case: visudo

sudo sanitizes environment variables, so the above method won't work for visudo. Use this command instead:

sudo EDITOR=nvim visudo

Alternatively, add the following line to the top of your /etc/sudoers file:

Defaults editor=/usr/bin/nvim